Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Friday: 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Administration staff is charged with a wide variety of duties. Among these duties are communications, finance, human resources, transportation coordination, voter registration, and provide staff support to various boards and committees, including Township Board packet preparation.
Township Manager
Appointed by the Ela Township Board the Township Manager, Ted Marciniak, is the Chief Administrative Officer overseeing all operations, strategic planning, financial, budget, personnel, and legal matters for the Township. Ela Township employs 23 full time employees, 15 part time employees, and additional seasonal employees are hired as needed.
The Manager’s primary duties are as follows:
- Provides overall direction and administration of policies and procedures established by the Supervisor and Trustees to ensure the efficient delivery of Township services;
- Formulates policies, goals and objectives in collaboration with Department Directors;
- Informs the Supervisor and Trustees of all Township activities and recommends needed actions;
- Represents, or supervises the representation of the Township in affairs with employees, other organizations and government agencies, and the public; and
- Serves as the Budget Officer and prepares the tentative budget at the direction of the Supervisor and Trustees.
Residents may address general inquiries to the Township Manager. However, specific issues or project concerns may be referred to the appropriate department to ensure that the matter is addressed in a comprehensive manner.